A painting is not a picture of an experience, but it is the experience.

Mark Rothko

Now six months have passed which have been entirely devoted to drawing . . . I have attached great value to drawing and will continue to, because it is the backbone of painting, the skeleton that supports all the rest.

Van Gogh

Marriage for all

Parliament approved marriage for all in December 2020. However, a right-wing conservative committee has launched a referendum against it. The right of being able to marry is not just a symbolic gesture for same sex couples, it should also give rainbow families stronger legal protections. Today, same Sex copules have to call each...

Parliament approved marriage f...

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Sedimentation landscape

The potential imaging ability of random blots: The human tendency to interpret natural phenomena figuratively is probably as old as human language. Sedimentation evokes images in and from Stones. The small-scale faults create surreal, gorge-like mountain scenery. Is this a landscape?...

The potential imaging ability ...

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Colour blots

This is a hommage to Mary Gartside and her studies, published more than 200 years ago: „an Essay on Light and Shade“, London 1805. The path to the abstraction in the beginning of the 20th century was paved with uncountable such studies....

This is a hommage to Mary Gart...

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Hot cold hands & feet

The main difficulty in portraying the human figure is that we carry in our mind very strong representations of preconceived symbols, and every time we program ourselves to draw a hand, face or the human body, these symbols come to our mind and we end...

The main difficulty in portray...

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Sometimes harmonious images appeared to me in my dreams, which left only vague traces of unessential details after I awoke.

Wassily Kandisky

Manuela & Janet

anet Haufler zählt zu den wichtigsten Performance-Künstlerinnen in Bern der letzten Jahrzehnte. Ihr feuerrotes Haar ist unvergesslich. Ich konnte sie leider nur ein einziges Mal auf der Bühne sehen. Ihre gigantische Präsenz ist genauso unvergesslich....

anet Haufler zählt zu den wich...

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Let no day pass over you without a line. Observe as you walk the streets, the airs of heads; the natural posturs and expressions; which are always the most free the less they seem to be observ'd. Be ready to put into your table-book (which you must always carry about you) whatsoever you judge worthy of it; whether it be upon the earth, or in the air, or upon the waters, while the species of them is yet fresh in your imagination.

Charles-Alfons du Fresnoy, De Arte Graphica, 1669

Alla prima

“Colors float with this technique, often unpredictable and uncontrollable. We will try to learn how to enjoy the chaos water provides, and see it as an adventure which can give new input for future creativity. After a bit of practice, this technique can become a...

“Colors float with this t...

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Eu sou uma pergunta... Sou tudo o que não explicação. Sou alguém em constante construção.

Clarisse Lispector

My job is to paint what I see, not I what I know. If I found blacker than black I would use it. I wish I could make it blacker.

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Just do it!

Someone said once, that “action brings inspiration“. Whenever I don‘t know what to paint, brushstrokes help me to unterstand what I feel like painting at the moment. Just do it! ...

Someone said once, that “acti...

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The stamen (plural stamina or stamens) is the pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower. Collectively the stamens form the androecium. ...

The stamen (plural&...

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